Artist Statement ~ By nature I am a collector. Not only curating objects, but concepts, attitudes, and memories. I’m drawn to unique things with age and character. It is why I appreciate antiques, and why I find the fine cracks on the surface of a beautiful Baroque painting so appealing.
My work explores the concept of curating, expressed usually, but not exclusively, through nature-based themes. The individual traits that make an item unique act as a catalyst for my work. Gathering spectacular traits from multiple sources, I create a composition that celebrates the original. Some sources are obvious and some are not, but all are edited by my curator’s eye.
Although some of my work may have different thematic content, it is all linked by these unique qualities. Whether it is the symmetry in the gills of a mushroom, or the natural process of age and decay, my work tries to capture and emphasize those special properties.
About Patrik Kusek
Patrik’s experience in the worlds of design and fashion helped shape his creative vision and brand. He is a graduate of the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising and The Academy of Art University. He worked as a Fashion Stylist at Macy’s San Francisco and was the owner and Creative Director of Wallop Design Group, a graphic design and branding company. He currently is able to pursue his passion as a jewelry artist and instructor. He teaches metal clay workshops in the San Francisco Bay Area and internationally. Patrik is a member of the PMC Guild and is both PMC Guild Certified and Art Clay Certified. He is one of 9 senior instructors for Rio Grande and teaches PMC certification workshops internationally. He was a featured artist on HGTV’s “That’s Clever.” Patrik’s work has been published in numerous books and publications. He is also the recipient of the 2007 Saul Bell Award 1st place in PMC. Patrik has also recently been featured in Ornament Magazine.

2022 Metal Clay Classes

Metal Clay Micro Mosaic Jewelry Video

Intro to base metal clays and micro mosaics video

Saul Bell Awards Interview

Saul Bell Finalists 2016 Video

One of my pieces was chosen as a finalist for the Saul Bell Awards!

Just got my preview copy of Art Jewelry

Announcing a new UK stockist for The Woodland Chic Texture Sheet

Woodland Chic Texture Sheets back in stock!

Join me tonight on CraftCast

Join me for “I love tools” on CraftCast.com

New Workshop Announced – Chain, Chain, Chain

Florida Workshops almost full

I’m so excited! My Woodland Chic Stamps are now available at Rio!

So excited about my article in Metal Clay Artist Magazine!

Ornament Magazine

I’m in Ornament Magazine!

My studio is in July Art Jewelry Magazine!