Has anyone seen my kiln?

When I’m traveling to different locations to teach I usually don’t have to bring my own kiln. But lately since I’ve been teaching a lot of BronzClay CopprClay workshops we often times need 2 kilns due to the shear volume of things that can be created with 100 grams! I decided to ship my kiln via UPS to Tustin, CA. Well…somehow, UPS lost my kiln!!!!!!!! It weights 45 pounds, the box is at least 18 inches X 18 inches X 20 inches tall. HOW DO YOU LOOSE THAT! It’s not like it fell of truck! or is hidden under a bigger box! Geez what a nightmare. A group of students eager to explore Bronz and Coppr and no kiln! I can’t even begin to explain how, upsetting it was to me. BUT the show must go on. Thank goodness The Beading Place had one kiln. As they say, the show must go on!

UPS You are on my LIST!! (Me shaking my fist in the air!!)

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