I miss little boats

One of the things I miss about living in San Francisco is the good sushi! One of the places that me and my friends would frequent is Isobune in Japan Town. The sushi is served on little floating boats that float down a “river”. Around and around until someone picks up a tray and nabs their prized sushi!. It’s pretty common these days, but when I first moved to San Francisco it was the first of it’s kind in the nation. Anyhow, the way they figure the bill is by counting the trays…we had a lot of sushi that night!!!!!

Afterwards, if we were lucky enough to get there early, we would go the the Japanese book store. The great thing about the bookstore is that you can get really cool jewelry making books AND books on metal clay!!! Some in English, some in Japanese but they are usually well photographed, with step by photos so you can figure out the projects pretty easily. Here is a link to the really lame websitewww.isobuneburlingame.com/index.htm and of course the great bookstore www.kinokuniya.com

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