Learning new things

In an effort to learn new things. I purchased a water filter and learned to INSTALL it myself. Or should I say “taught” myself to install it. What seemed like a simple task, turned into a learning experience. While I’ve done some minor plumbing in the past, one should never underestimate what one “doesn’t” know. Sometime you don’t even know the right questions to ask to get the answers you need to do the job… hope that makes sense. Such was the installation of the water filter. Total learning curve : 2 afternoons, 4 trips to Home Depot, 2 Returns to Home Depot. 3 times getting squirted in the eye, One brass splinter in my thumb! Who knew there was 3 types of 3/4 brass fittings? But never the less success! AAAHHH! Cool clean water and no leaks!!! Actually, learning new things is fun. But thinking something will be easy and then it turn’s out not to be is very frustrating. Let me rephrase that, learning you don’t have the knowledge to make it easy, is frustrating. It reminds me of a friend who had computer problems and hired a guy to come fix his computer. The guy went to my friends house and sat down in front of the computer, made a quick assessment and pressed 3 buttons. Problem fixed! He then told my friend “That will be $75.00” My friend said “What!, but you only pressed 3 buttons!” The computer guy explained, “You didn’t hire me to just press the buttons, you hired me because I “knew” which 3 buttons to press and in what order. You are paying for my knowledge.” Moral of the story…don’t hire me to to install your water filter!Learning new things2

The water filter I installed was an Everpure water filter. www.everpure.com It’s a commercial grade water filter for the home.

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