Learning glass clay


Last Friday got a chance to take a class in glass clay. The brand we used was ArtGlass Clay. See Paula  Radke’s website.  It was pleasantly surprised to see a former student there which made the class extra fun and extra extra fun cause Steven was there. In the short time we learned how to mix the clay and work with it, dry and refine it and fire the clay. The process was very similar to metal clay. I was surprised by it’s  remarkable strength of the dry stage, which is why I chose the bug as the lead photo. The legs ended up being about the width of 16 gauge wire. Janet also brought brought lots of things to make molds of so we made a few extra molds. Because of the longer firing schedule our projects had to be fired then mailed to us. But since some of us have kilns! we got to take our home that night and fire them.

All in all it was an interesting process, and it was nice to be student for a change. I’ve had some glass clay siting on my shelf for weeks now with the intention of experimenting with it but it never happened. So when I saw the class I knew I’d have undivided time to spend with it. It was a great experience. I’d love to see if I can make complex constructions with it like shadow boxes! We’ll see! I’ll post some of other things we made after I fire them.

Here are some pics!


14 thoughts on “Learning glass clay”

  1. Pingback: ArtGlass Clay results « Woodland Chic

  2. Pingback: ArtGlass Clay results « Woodland Chic

  3. Sounds interesting, I’ll have to put it on my bucket list. Thanks for the photos. I felt like I was there with you. LOL

  4. Sounds interesting, I’ll have to put it on my bucket list. Thanks for the photos. I felt like I was there with you. LOL

  5. Thank you for posting this…I’ve been playing with another brand and not having much luck…had given up, but will give it another go with a different brand!

    1. Yes seems to work fine although no much info posted on her website. Although I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to answer questions. My next challenge is to see if I can fire it to a matte finish. I prefer that type of finish. Oh an making some canes as well!

  6. Thank you for posting this…I’ve been playing with another brand and not having much luck…had given up, but will give it another go with a different brand!

    1. Yes seems to work fine although no much info posted on her website. Although I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to answer questions. My next challenge is to see if I can fire it to a matte finish. I prefer that type of finish. Oh an making some canes as well!

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