I spend the past few days working with Rio and Chris Darway. This is the first time I’ve been to Rio’s Education in Motion at the Tucson Gem Show. It’s very exciting. There were too many things to see and learn. Rio puts on an incredible event. Not only are there workshops on, soldering, engraving, BronzClay, and even how to use a Bonny Doone hydrolic press plus many others. There was a vendor showroom too! My hat’s off to Rio and especially Gail who organizes the whole event. She did an incredible job of getting people where they needed to be, getting things where they were suppose to be, anticipating peoples needs before they knew it and being an all out gracious hostess. From my previous life as an event co-ordinator, I know how hard it is to organize all of these details and she did a outstanding job. Well done Gail and well done Rio!
Rio’s Education in Motion – Tucson, AZ