I love seeing my friends in print or on TV! My friend, noted designer and TV host of DIY Channel’s “Fresh Coat” television show, Shannon Kaye is giving tips in this months Sunset Magazine! A couple of years ago, Steven and I met Shannon when the Fresh Coat Show did an all paint makeover on our living room. We hit it off and have been friends ever since. In this months Sunset she is giving advice on how to pick a color, plus how to avoid common mistakes. She’s great! Visit her website at www.shannonkaye.com But wait, here is where the convergence happens, I turned the page to read an article on clutter control, (I do need that) and saw Maybelle Imasa-Stukuls from Stumasa! Maybelle owns a fabulous home decor shop in SF which also makes custom case goods. She took a class from me at The Nova Studio and then asked if I’d sell my jewelry in her shop. Visit her website atwww.stumasa.com Who would have thought that 2 people I know would have articles in Sunset Magazine let alone one article right next to the other!
Creative Convergence