Suburban Benefits…

Often times I miss living and working in San Francisco, but there are times when living in the suburbs has it’s benefits. One of those times became clear to me the other day when we decided to pop on over to Domain Carneros, owned by the Taittinger Family of Taittinger Champagne. The famed wine country is only a 20 minute drive away. 20 minutes to great food and wine!!!! And a life saver for a foodie like me who is used to smorgasbord of restaurants in San Francisco. When I lived in SF the drive was still very close about 1 hour with no traffic but, nothing like this! If you are in the area, visit  for beautiful scenery, great champagne (ok, it’s officially called sparkling wine, not champagne, but it’s just as good) they even have a non-alcohol version, and yummy food. (see photo below)

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