During the beginning part of every year I preform my usual ritual of studio tool maintenance and studio clean up. Although maintenance on some tools and equipment happens year round, the start of year usually leaves me extra time to do some serious cleaning. This year I noticed that some of my tools had garnered a beautiful patina call RUST. Beautiful for my mixed media work, NOT so good for my tools! I did a search for new and better ways to combat the rust I dove in by checking out what other jewelry artist are doing. I came across this great video by Melissa Muir which she used NeverDull to clean the rust. She also used Boeshield for rust prevention. I thought I’d give it a try. When I ordered the Boesheild I noticed that they also offered a rust cleaner as well. So decided to give them both a try! The results were great. Here is my super clean rust free drill press! Now onto the rest of the studio! I added Melissa’s video at the end of the post because it has great info.
Rust prevention in the jewelry studio