I’m always looking for interesting things to blog about that I think my readers will find interesting. A couple of weeks ago I looked out of the door of my studio and saw it. The first signs of Spring, and the welcome sight of my garden coming back to life. One of the first things to bloom is my camellia.

Patrik Kusek
A couple of weeks later the camellia was in full bloom. Bright red flowers made the branches bend with their weight.

Patrik Kusek
Today the rain had knocked off quite a few of the flowers. I watched as the rain hit the red petals on a blanket of green. Complementary colors. Not planned at all, although I would like to think that my subconscious had something to do with it. They were stunning. The contrasting colors vibrated in the light.
Red and green are opposite on the color wheel. When two color are opposite on the color wheel they are known as complementary colors. Red and green, orange and blue, purple and yellow ( my high school colors ) are all complementary colors.
Primary colors are red, blue and yellow. Interestingly enough, you can get the opposite of any primary color buy mixing the other two primary colors. This creates a secondary color. The opposite of red is green. Green is made of mixture of blue and yellow, cool huh?
Use color to your advantage in your next design.

This Artist’s Color Wheel, available in both a regular size and a giant classroom size, is an important learning tool for artists of all ages. One side teaches color mixing, and the other side demonstrates color harmonies.
Hi there Mercedes, Actually, the whole thing is a real bronze sculpture and a shelf that the Buddha rests on. I got the Buddha on a trip to Thailand although I’ve seen something very similar in Chinatown in San Francisco. Ebay is probably a good resource. The shelf is actually from Marhsalls and was for a candle. I love that the mirrors have an image of bamboo printed on the. Come to think of it I’ve seen a Buddha at Tuesday Morning so you might check there. Good luck in your search. Send me pics!
I’ll post a pic for you of it close up.
Hi there Mercedes, Actually, the whole thing is a real bronze sculpture and a shelf that the Buddha rests on. I got the Buddha on a trip to Thailand although I’ve seen something very similar in Chinatown in San Francisco. Ebay is probably a good resource. The shelf is actually from Marhsalls and was for a candle. I love that the mirrors have an image of bamboo printed on the. Come to think of it I’ve seen a Buddha at Tuesday Morning so you might check there. Good luck in your search. Send me pics!
I’ll post a pic for you of it close up.
Good comment, great observation. I am very interested in replicating that budda picture that is nailed to the fence. How can I get that mold are find that budda and put together the components and make a wall hanging ? Thanks Ms.Mercedes
Good comment, great observation. I am very interested in replicating that budda picture that is nailed to the fence. How can I get that mold are find that budda and put together the components and make a wall hanging ? Thanks Ms.Mercedes