My friend Carson came over today to work on his blog. As we sat and discussed his blog we talked not only of functionality but of the design. I’m reminded that the fundamentals of good design are true across most mediums. Concepts like contrast, color choices, texture all play important roles in the design decisions we make. His blog is The updated version is cleaner and updated with a fresh new look. As a knitter/spinner/designer/teacher his work is created with the eye of a true craftsmen and artist.

Now I need to the same for my personal blog as well. It needs a new look, freshen up, a new point of view. I just need the time to do it!
Carson is also a Physical Therapist. He specializes in ergonomics for knitters. He pointed out some things that could use improvement in my work set up. Thanks to Carson I’ll be sitting pretty. I’m trying to get him to talk to us jewelry designers about proper ergonomics in the studio. Wouldn’t that be great?!
I know…right? You’d think it would be easy. Well
I think a pole on the back is a different profession 🙂
I know…right? You’d think it would be easy. Well
I think a pole on the back is a different profession 🙂
Can’t I just bungee a pole to my back? It takes so much effort to sit up straight on my own steam. 😀
Can’t I just bungee a pole to my back? It takes so much effort to sit up straight on my own steam. 😀