This weekend I spent at The Beading Place in Tustin, CA. Orange County. We had a great group of people there. We learn about BronzClay and CopprClay. However, I shipped a kiln via UPS to the store and they lost it! UGH! Luckily The Beading Place had one kiln for us to use. So we had to split up the work into a few firings. I also had the pleasure of having Lora Hart drop by for the first day of class. Lora is a Senior Instructor for PMC Connection and was my team mate for the first ever PMC Ice Cream Relay race at the PMC Conference in Purdue! The students appreciated having another instructor to bounce ideas of off. We had a chance to play with BronzClay and CopprClay (Day 1) plus experiment with combining the two (Day 2)! One of the best parts was I had a chance to try out Baldwins Patina. I love the Baldwins Patina to make the distinction between the BC/CC more apparent. I’ll blog on this later. Thanks again to Cecelia and her lovely daughter for hosting! Here is some of the student work..wish I had pics of the rest…
BronzClay/CopprClay @ The Beading Place, Orange County, CA