I went for an evening walk along “Celery Bog”. I became obsessed with this bog that I could see from my window in my hotel room. Although the thought of a bog doesn’t really sound appealing, I was captured by it’s striking green color during the day. In the earlier evening it also came alive with color. So I couldn’t resist, I slathered myself with the most toxic bug repellant and ventured out. For some reason, I’m a mosquito magnet. I could be fully clothed in a room full of nudists and if there is a mosquito within a 10 mile radius it will make a bee line to me…or would that be mosquito line? Anyhow, the bog was great, teaming with “bog life’ mama ducks and baby ducks, bright green bull frogs and nice change for this city boy!
Pre-conference 2008 PMC Conference “Celery Bog”